
费什伯恩’s Junior ROTC program is a crucial part of the cadet experience. 在万豪会娱乐在线,所有学生都在同一年级 9-12 are automatically enrolled in the JROTC leadership 和 citizenship development program. 每个JROTC学员都参加国家认可的领导力教育培训计划, led by retired military leaders who have been certified by the United States Army to teach, 火车, 并指导学员.

万豪会娱乐在线JROTC学员在没有任何参军承诺的情况下体验军事文化. JROTC的目标是提高领导能力和公民意识,在JROTC之后没有参军的要求. However, for those cadets interested in pursuing experience in the U.S. military, our instructors provide mentoring 和 guidance to assist in meeting individual goals. 这包括在寻求入伍或通过服务学院或通过高级后备军官训练队大学项目寻求军官委员会的协助.

Not only is 费什伯恩’s JROTC one of the oldest in the country, 获得荣誉单位的荣誉称号, 万豪会娱乐在线商学院是全球仅有的几所能够提名合格候选人进入美国大学的商学院之一.S. 军校. If your son wants to attend a service academy, 费什伯恩 offers advantages other military schools can’t equal.


Like 费什伯恩, JROTC is focused on teaching the value of:
Like 费什伯恩, JROTC is committed to instilling the following qualities in each cadet:

Our JROTC Program is Taught Directly by Army Personnel

Using teaching materials developed 和 provided by the United States Army, the curriculum has been crafted to help make every cadet be a better citizen, 更强大的领导者, a critical thinker 和 more well-rounded man. The JROTC program includes lessons on leadership 和 fellowship, 价值观和性格发展, 纪律, 生活, 和 adventure skills that build confidence, 健康和急救, 以及美国公民身份等.

学员们面临着领导和跟随的挑战,同时接受经验丰富、训练有素的导师的个人关注和指导. As you make your way through the four years of JROTC, 你将学习从气枪和军事演习到工程和社会责任的一切.


可以说, JROTC是美国历史上最成功和最具影响力的青年项目之一. 作为教育者和其他人衡量成功的标准, 我们已经确定了五个质量指标,用于衡量该计划在高中的有效性. 这五个质量指标是出勤率、毕业率、违纪率、辍学率和平均绩点. JROTC exceeds schools’ averages in each of these categories:

类别 学校 JROTC
出席 90.3 % 93.5 %
毕业 83.0 % 93.9 %
无纪律 5.2 % 1.7 %
辍学 8.0 % < 1 %
平均绩点 2.72 2.91


Our nationally recognized team of JROTC instructors will teach:

用绳索下降 is a means of using a rope to descend in a controlled manner from a height, 如悬崖或墙壁, in which one slides down an anchored rope 和 applies friction to control one’s speed, 通过一种特殊的装置或将绳子从一条大腿下面穿过另一条肩膀. In other parts of the world, another term for rappelling is abseiling.

定向越野常被称为“思考运动”,因为除了很棒的锻炼之外,它还包括看地图和决策. The object is to run to a series of points shown on the map, 选择路线——无论是在赛道上还是在赛道外——将帮助你找到所有的点,并在最短的时间内回到终点. The points on the course are marked with orange 和 white flags 和 punches, 这样你就能证明你去过那里. Each “control” marker is located on a distinct feature, such as a stream junction or the top of a knoll.

训练的最后一部分是一场比赛,每队八名JROTC学员必须用一根绳子越过一个障碍,只有第一名和最后一名学员才被允许接触障碍物. The rest of the cadets must traverse on the rope bridge.

训练包括一定的动作,通过这些动作,小组以有序的方式从一个队形移动到另一个队形(或从一个地方移动到另一个地方)。. Each within the group most learn these movements 和 execute each part exactly as described. One also adapts your own movements to those of the group. Everyone in the formation must move together on comm和.

JROTC: Over 100 years of motivating young men

Established in 1916 to “motivate young people to be better citizens,“JROTC现在超过1,700所公立和私立学校. But few JROTC programs are as robust as 费什伯恩’s.


JROTC提供一个高质量的公民, 品格和领导力发展计划,同时促进社区和教育机构的伙伴关系. 万豪在线娱乐JROTC项目的核心是致力于向年轻学员传授陆军JROTC的核心价值观:

  • 字符
  • 个人社会责任
  • 学术成就
  • 健身
  • 领导
  • 团队合作
  • 无私服务于社区和他人
  • 美国传统与历史

领导教育 Training \ Four years in single click

万豪会娱乐在线的所有JROTC学员都有机会通过担任学员领导职位或参加一项或多项JROTC课外活动来更充分地实践通过我们的领导力教育培训学到的技能,这些活动在本网站有详细描述. To see the amazing variety of what you’ll learn 和 do during each of your four years, 点击这里.


网络世界是新的战场. 通过加入JROTC网络爱国者项目, 你们将和州内其他学校竞争, 地区性的(如果你足够优秀的话)全国性的活动,以一种偷偷摸摸的乐趣来测试你新获得的网络安全技能.

学术 & 领导碗

费什伯恩’s JROTC competes with other schools in academic 和 leadership competitions 和, 尽管是最小的学校, 我们一直带着它.

College Options Foundations Inc, 与美国陆军学员司令部合作,为学术和领导团队设计了一个项目,作为一种创造性和有趣的方法,让年轻学生为高中毕业后的生活做好准备. FMS和其他JROTC项目之间的比赛贯穿整个学年,为我们的学员提供了一个建立信心和平衡的机会,同时在一个友好和有趣的场所展示他们对主题的掌握.

The 学术碗 Team’s 火车ing 和 competitions are based on ACT/SAT style questions, current events 和 topics from the United States JROTC’s 领导教育 Training Program.

领导力碗团队使用基于场景的问题来应用价值观和领导力原则, General George Marshall leadership principles, “思维地图,“课堂表现系统。,和学习技巧. Our teams practice weekly in the JROTC Computer Lab using online SAT/ACT preparations sites.


Strength \ Discipline \ Commitment \ 团队合作

It’s not all leadership 和 academics around here. 我们的突袭队带来了力量, the grit 和 the determination—whether it’s a 5K road march, crossing on a one-rope-bridge or a vehicle pull. 自2014年以来,我们的突袭机已经三次被美国陆军学员司令部第4旅评为“最佳”.

Raiders master the art of teamwork 和 compete in a variety of events during each Raider Meet. They depend upon one another for success 和 strive every year to be the best. Are you ready to help us be among the best again?





There are few things more impressive than a precise 和 纪律d drill or ceremony team. And at 费什伯恩, we take great pride in ours. Plus, they get to be front 和 center at all the big events around here.

    The elite Hudgins Rifles drill team masters the U.S. Army’s precision Arms Manual 和 Facing Movements.
    以摩根·哈金斯上校命名, 万豪会娱乐在线的第二任主管, 哈金斯步枪曾在全国演习会上表演,并接受了美国陆军第3步兵师(也被称为阿灵顿国家公墓的“老卫队”)成员的校园训练。. Executing precision routines based on Old Guard 和 Marine Corps Silent 钻 Team movements, the Hudgins Rifles provides awe-inspiring entertainment.
    从华盛顿橄榄球队和弗吉尼亚大学篮球队到苹果花游行和韦恩斯伯勒自己的秋叶节, this award winning group never fails to inspire those fortunate enough to view a performance.

Annual events conducted by the 费什伯恩 Military 学校 Corps of 学员

首先形成 校友周末回顾游行
色彩的祝福 毕业典礼游行
家长军旅周末 “送奶工”毕业游行
退伍军人节游行(弗吉尼亚州斯汤顿) 圣诞游行
退伍军人节仪式 全美花圈
JPA \ JROTC Program Accreditation Inspection Old Town Alex和ria’s George Washington Birthday Parade



“网络爱国者”是国家青年网络教育计划,旨在激励学生从事网络安全和其他科学领域的职业, 技术, 工程, 和数学(STEM)学科. The national youth cyber defense competition is a tournament structured event. 2-5名学生组成的小组将根据他们识别和保护操作系统虚拟机映像上已知漏洞的能力进行评分. The competition is not only fun 和 exciting, it also creates a career path for today’s Virginia military academy students, 促进从高中到大学的持续教育,直到他们职业生涯的开始.

网络爱国者队是JROTC赞助的网络安全团队,在州内竞争最高位置, 地区性和全国性活动. 竞争使学生成为负责管理小公司网络的IT专业人员.